Crazy Skin Care Treatments & Beauty Routines of These Celebrities Will Shock You

The A-list beauties of Hollywood always look perfect. The trendsetting celebs flaunt expensive designer clothing, accessories, and to top it all off, perfect skin. However, the celebs on our list go through some weird skin care treatments to look glamorous all the time. Ordinary folks like us can’t even think about doing some of the crazy beauty rituals these celebs indulge themselves in. From bird poo face masks to leech therapy. See what kinds of bizarre skin and beauty treatment routines your favorite celebs have to go through to stay gorgeous.
1. Gwyneth Paltrow – Bee Stings
When the gorgeous Gwyneth Paltrow told The New York Times that she deliberately gets stung by bees as a beauty treatment, she turned many heads. She mentioned that this skin treatment is called “apitherapy” and is thousands of years old. Paltrow added that bee stings help her get rid of inflammation and scarring, which keeps her skin fresh and glowing. A lot of skincare experts called her out, claiming that bee stings actually cause inflammation and the star should get her facts checked.
2. Lady Gaga – Sellotape For Removing Makeup
Yup, you read that right. Lady Gaga, who is famous for her crazy costumes, crazier makeup routines, and even crazier (in a good way, LOL) songs, apparently likes to do everything different than us normal folks. She could have gone for any expensive make-up removal cream out there, but instead, she uses sellotape. She takes a slip of sellotape and places it her on eyes to remove the heavy glitter she puts on before her performances. If you have sensitive skin, DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME.
3. Julia Roberts – A Pan of Olive Oil
The Oscar winner Julia Roberts is 49 years old but looks to be in her late 30s at the most. Her beauty secret is a pan full of olive oil. She not only puts it on her salad, she dips and soaks her hands in it as well. Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, which rejuvenate the skin cells and remove the dead skin layers. Now that’s a mighty effective anti-aging skin product all of us could use. If you have dry skin, stop buying those expensive skin care products and start moisturizing your skin with olive oil.
4. Scarlett Johansson – Apple Cider Vinegar
Scarlett Johansson is definitely one of the most beautiful leading ladies in Hollywood today. If you want to have perfectly glowing skin like Scar-Jo, then start cleansing your face with apple cider vinegar just like her. Apple cider vinegar, or ACV for short, can be a great face wash, clearing the skin of acne and giving it a luminous shine. Johansson had this to say in an interview:
“I researched natural skincare and found that apple cider vinegar is really effective. Using it as a toner can be harsh, but if you have breakouts it can be really healing.”
5. Sandra Bullock – Hemorrhoid Cream
Alright, there’s no easy way to say it, so we are just going to dive right into it. Back in 2005, while attending the premiere of her movie Miss Congeniality 2, Sandra Bullock made the shocking announcement of using hemorrhoid cream to reduce the puffiness under her eyes. In her own words:
“I didn’t realize that putting hemorrhoid ointment on your face is acceptable in the beauty business. But apparently, butt cream helps lines around the eyes!”
Hemorrhoid cream, more commonly known as butt cream, is NOT a proper skin care product. It’s a very strong cream and the skin around the eyes is very delicate, so please DO NOT TRY THIS at home.
6. Demi Moore – Leech Therapy
Back in 2008, Moore gave an interview to David Letterman in which she admitted to undergoing leech therapy and startlingly revealed “loving it.” She mentioned that she flew all the way to Austria and let the “highly trained medical leeches” suck her blood and remove its toxins. This ancient technique dates back to the times of the Egyptian pharaohs and is still used by doctors in reconstructive surgery to assist the reattachment of severed body parts. Still, we’d like to stick to herbal tea for detoxifying, thanks.
7. Victoria Beckham – Bird Poo Facial
Would you put bird poo on your face for the sake of glowing skin? Victoria Beckham did and she gladly paid $230 for it as well. Mrs. Beckham and former Spice Girl member is a huge fan of traditional Japanese geisha Facials. They use nightingale droppings and mix rice bran and water in it to make a gross-looking paste. If you think you can hold on to your lunch to get this skin care treatment, you can go to New York’s Shizuka Spa.
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